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Vision, mission, values

More than 20 years ago, Harpo’s desire to enter the green roof industry was driven by the conviction that environmental sustainability is a cornerstone from which modern society cannot deviate, especially in the context of urban development, to improve the present and consider the environment we will leave to our children.

[Franco Stock, President of Harpo Spa]


L’ ambizione e la passione che ci motiva ogni giorno è quella di sviluppare una tecnica e divulgare una cultura della progettazione di soluzioni nature-based pensate in maniera specifica per il clima mediterraneo

The ambition and passion that motivate us every day are to develop techniques and promote a culture of designing nature-based solutions specifically tailored for the Mediterranean climate.


Ogni giorno traduciamo la nostra motivazione in azioni concrete perché vogliamo rendere reale il nostro obiettivo. Per questo siamo un partner strategico per progettisti, applicatori ed investitori con i nostri sistemi-prodotti, i nostri servizi e il nostro know-how che condividiamo attraverso seminari, consulenze e prodotti divulgativi

Every day, we translate our motivation into concrete actions because we want to make our goal a reality. For this reason, we are a strategic partner for designers, applicators, and investors with our system-products, our services, and our know-how, which we share through seminars, consulting, and educational activities.



The importance of connected action, understood as the sharing and building of value with all stakeholders in the long term


The drive for innovation as a commitment to continuously and actively enhance the skills and expertise across the entire supply chain.



Perseverance as a continuous aspiration to transform ideas into living projects that change places and people.