ZU20 compensation mix

The ZU20 compensation mix is a natural material of volcanic origin. The particle size composition is complex and balanced to ensure good drainage and capillary rise; the chemical and physical parameters meet the requirements of UNI 11235 for substrates.


Being compliant with UNI 11235, ZU 20 mix is suitable as a compensation layer where high thicknesses of cultivated substrate are expected, particularly

way between the MF1 MediFilter geotextile filter and the top layer of TerraMediterranea Harpo substrate. The material also lends itself to being compacted to create substrates in passable stratigraphies, as it is characterized by lightweight, excellent stability and good drainage capacity.


  • Good permeability
  • Good water retention
  • Lightness
  • Frost and compression resistance
  • High stability

The ZU 20 compensation mix performs a “poor substrate” role in that organic matter is absent to prevent decomposition from creating anoxic conditions in the deeper layers, which are also the least aerated, which would result in weakened roots.

The ZU20 mix is placed on top of the MF1 MediFilter geotextile filter and below the Harpo substrate, which is why particle size distribution must be identical to the substrate to prevent interpenetration between the two layers.

Ultimately, the ZU20 mix performs the same functions as the substrate namely:

  • root system anchorage
  • water reservoir for the roots
  • mineral nutrition

Organic matter is not recommended in the deeper layers where decomposition would cause anoxia and create root system damage. If significant thicknesses are planned, the use of ZU 20 compensation mix is therefore a solution to create conditions on the rooftop that are very similar to those encountered by plants in nature, where the accumulation of organic matter is present only in the first few cm of soil.

The result is improved plant living conditions and lower maintenance costs.


  • 4 cu m Big Bag
  • Bulk delivery